Sustainability and Outback Organics

Sustainability and Outback Organics: Tips on how to make your salon more sustainable.
Living more sustainable is something most of us have at the fore front of our minds as we start the new decade. Consumers are favouring businesses which are taking vital steps in becoming more earth friendly and sustainable, including salons.
The topic of ‘single use plastics’ has been the sole turning point for most businesses. With the EU aiming to have a total ban on single use plastics by 2021, and the UK aiming to ban plastic straws and cotton buds by 2020. In result of this, businesses are turning to eco-friendly and sustainable alternatives for their packaging.
Sadly, many hair and beauty products currently come in plastic bottles. Making it difficult for businesses within the industry to ditch their single use plastic consumption entirely. However, there are many small and cost-effective changes you can make to achieve a ‘sustainable status’ for your business.
Our Tips for Salon Sustainability.
Opt for Refills.
Opt for refill packs to decant into larger bottles. Long term, making the swap to larger, salon sized bottles will cut down on your salon’s plastic waste.
At Outback Organics, we have introduced a larger size Bush Balm (970ml) to the Outback range. Cutting down on single use plastic is important to us, and the larger ‘salon’ sized Bush Balm allows for both us, and our customers to do this. We are also looking at developing re-fillable Peelable Wax Bags. This will allow our customers the option of refilling their old peelable bags, rather than purchasing new ones every time.
Recycle, recycle, recycle.
As much as you can! Install recycle bins within your salon to help and encourage your staff to recycle. You could even consider adding recycling bins into your client focused areas to help encourage them to recycle too.
Assess your weekly business waste and have a look at what you’re recycling, and whether you could recycle more. We are also proud to say that our Pre & Post bottles and tubes are recyclable.
In 2018, we started to focus more on how our products are packaged. We made the switch to the bio-degradable, loose fill packaging, and now use brown paper to fill out the boxes instead on bubble wrap. We also recycle, and reuse any boxes which are in good condition.
Go Paperless.
Providing email copies of receipts to your customers, and opting for digital invoicing programs, and appointment systems.
Swap to 100% Recycled Paper for your printed materials such as business cards and leaflets.
Our aim as a business is to eventually go paperless. Gradually transition from sending out paper invoices with orders to emailing across digital versions and encouraging our customers to use our new website for placing orders. We continue to move our marketing into digital formats, including our price lists which can be emailed to our customers.
Swapping your current bulbs to ‘energy saving bulbs’. Energy saving bulbs use 66% less energy than standard ones, and long term could save you money as well as the planet.
Opt for only put your washing machines on when they are at full capacity to reduce both your water and energy consumption.
Shout about it!
If you’re going green in your salon, let your clients know about it! Advertising that your salon is taking steps to become more sustainable, (or 100% sustainable) could open a whole new customer base for your salon.
Encourage your customers to bring back their old bottles and containers from beauty products for you to recycle, in exchange for a small discount on new purchases. Small changes like this show your commitment to becoming eco-friendlier and more sustainable.
Posted on February 10th 2020