Wonderful review by the very fabulous MsCastroRides

London fashion stylist, Lupe Castro, is traveling throughout Europe, Canada, New Zealand and Central America, all on the back of a motorbike. And she recently made a blog post – It’s men showing more leg keeping more tanned and even more waxed about men showing off a bit more flesh this summer, and how they should not only be getting waxed but also looking for salons that use our Gold wax!
This is what Lupe had to say about Outback Organics and waxing:
"With so much body on show, it’s definitely WAX time! British men are notoriously known to only wax the day before holiday travel. This is a MISTAKE! ‘Leave a couple of days before putting on show to avoid unsightly bumps and soreness’, says Julia at Mayfair Tanning and Waxing. The salon offers everything from chest and buttocks to The Athlete (full-body wax). If you’re not in London or can’t quite face the idea of the pain, be sure that your salon does Outback Organics waxing. It really makes a difference, so too does the Outback Organics Bush Balm cream that can also be used between waxing appointments to help prevent ingrown hairs. It is also suitable for sensitive areas such as the face and under arms, and it can be used straight after intimate waxing or shaving."
Posted on July 25th 2013