Tips for Underarm Waxing

It’s a little-known fact that our underarm hair can have a bit of a life of its own, and can grow in several different directions. The world of social media would lead us to believe that waxing the underarm area in one big patch is the safest, most effective, and ‘correct’ way to remove hair from this area. At Outback Organics, we do underarm waxing differently. We follow a smaller, multiple patch method which we believe to be much safer and more effective. Here are a few of our reasons why:
All professional waxers will know the importance of following the direction of hair growth on your client, and that no two clients are the same. It’s very rare that a client will have underarm hair which all grows in the same direction. In fact, the hair in this area can grow in as many as 4/5 different directions. If the wax isn’t applied with the direction of growth and removed against it, the hair follicle can break, snap, coil, or even tear the follicle wall, leading to ingrown hairs, lumps/bumps, and potentially even infection. By applying your wax in one large patch which includes all of the client’s hair, it is highly possible that hair being removed against its natural growth pattern will break, snap or coil, and consequently lead to the above occurring.
Example of multiple hair growth directions.
By applying your wax in smaller, multiple patches, you are able to regain control over the hair growth directions and ensure that every hair on your client’s body is removed safely and effectively. Check out our Underarm Waxing video on Youtube to see how our Head Educator, Claire Prior applies this technique.
Do’s & Don’ts.
- Prep the skin thoroughly, using our Gel Cleanser & Botanical Oil, to ensure the skin is softened, hydrated, and ready for waxing.
- Use a Peelable Wax for areas that are more sensitive, such as the underarms.
- Check the temperature of your wax before applying it to your client’s skin.
- Apply your wax in smaller, individual patches in the direction of hair growth, and remove against it.
- Apply the relevant post-wax care. We recommend Bush Balm, and Aloe Gel if your client has come out in high colour.
- Use pre-waxing products which contain alcohol to cleanse the skin. Alcohol-based products dry and strip the skin of moisture.
- Use a Strip Wax for more sensitive areas. Always use Peelable Wax.
- Apply your wax in one large patch.
- Forget your aftercare!
Posted on August 24th 2021