Simple Swaps for a More Sustainable Salon

Are you searching for tips and ideas on how you can make your salon more sustainable? Do you find it difficult to know where to start working within an industry that has been largely dominated by single-use plastics for years? We’ve got you covered…
Even small, simple swaps can make a big impact on your salon’s sustainability potential. Here are our simple swaps which you can easily implement within your salon today to make your business more sustainable.
Switch to paper-stem cotton buds.
Plastic-stem cotton buds have been banned in the UK since October 2020, but if you’re a salon that likes to buy in bulk, you may still have a few of them lying around. Maybe you’d like to level up your sustainability game even further, by opting for bamboo-stem cotton buds instead?
Switch to bamboo applicators.
Surprisingly, plastic stem applicators are still readily available to beauty professionals within the UK. But, there are many sustainable bamboo alternatives available on the market, including bamboo mascara wands, bamboo lip brushes, bamboo sponge applicators & more.
Bamboo toilet roll.
There are many bamboo toilet roll companies on the market, but we’d always recommend doing your research to ensure that the product you’re buying is FSC certified. Our Panda Soft Luxury Bamboo Toilet Roll is made from sustainable bamboo and is also in 100% recyclable packaging.
Swap to salon sized products.
Our larger, salon sized products were designed to cut down salon single-use plastic waste. Sized at just under 1ltr per product, they can be used directly from the bottle or decanted into smaller bottles that you may already have within your salon. Our salon sized products include Bush Balm 970ml, Skin Wash 970ml, and Hand & Body Lotion 970ml.
Go paperless.
The online booking market is growing. Even social media platforms, including Instagram, are now allowing professionals to connect particular booking systems, including Fresha & Timely, with the app, making it easier for your clients to book with you online.
Posted on March 3rd 2022